deep inside
The Art-documentary project Deep Inside is about people with multiple severe developmental disabilities. Most of the participants of the project can neither speak nor leave the asylum. Our aim is to shine a light on this world and make it visible, because it exists and it is near.
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People living inside closed asylums are almost invisible as most of these institutions are situated outside of the city. We don`t see these people out on the streets, we know nothing about their life.
There are 504 closed psychoneurological institutions in Russia with around 150 thousand people living there. The asylum in Peterhof is one of the largest in Russia, and it accommodates 1030 people. The charitable organization Perspektivy curates 148 people with different types of disabilities that live there. This project is about them.
The main goal of the nonprofit charitable organization Perspektivy is to create living conditions for these special people that would most closely resemble those of regular people.
Perspektivy has been helping children and adults with multiple severe developmental disabilities that live in closed institutions and in families of St. Petersburg since 1996. The employees of Perspektivy work alongside the regular staff in asylums, being close to the people they look after every single day.
Today Perspektivy curates 91 children with severe disabilities living in the orphanage for disabled children №4 in Pavlovsk, 148 adults in the psychoneurological asylum №3 in Peterhof and 160 families in St. Petersburg that look after special children at home.
You arrive to Old Peterhof. Get out of the bus or leave the train station, and see an empty and still pavement. From time to time an emergency ambulance, lorry or a person in a wheelchair goes by. Here you can start to see the forest appear. You pass the trees, while their trunks blend into each other in the deep forest. You can feel the smell of the air, and suddenly hear the silence. If you walk this way for about 20 minutes, you will reach the huge white building of the asylum. People living there rarely go out, and most of them are unable to even walk in the forest.
The line of the forest. The line of the road.
The corridor split into two by the line.
On one side of the line there is us, on the other – also us.
If you take a closer look there is no line, but only a wall.
The wall behind which people live.
There, deep inside.
You go up the stairs, open the door and find yourself inside the 3rd unit. It was opened for people with the most severe developmental disabilities. It is quite noisy there – the entire life happens in one long and finite space of the corridor, that’s why constant motion is happening. Apart from the employees of the asylum and the people who live there, you can see volunteers walking down the corridor, as they enter rooms and often just sit on the bed by the side of the residents holding their hand and embracing them. Just before lunch is the most lively time there– everyone gathers and gets ready in advance – you need to arrange the chairs, bring those who cannot come by themselves, wake up those who are asleep. At this hour, it feels as if the number of employees expands greatly: the stronger ones help those who cannot move, put on clothes, go to the toilet or eat by themselves. No one teaches them to do it, it happens naturally – for example, Ksusha always feeds Vika, who cannot hold her head by herself, and she often doesn`t have time to eat, but nevertheless both of them look very happy.
Time is day that people live. We wake up at 7. At 7 I wake up.
My alarm clock goes off. Ring. I wake up. Put the kettle on.
I feed breakfast those who can’t eat themselves it is very difficult at breakfast by the way. All the time. But I
will be doing it always. I even move plates. And I am saying like eat.
And I am like silent. And I lower their head. Hup I noticed that she is not eating. But you know this also.

Breakfast is at 9 we are given breakfast. We eat gruel with cheese and tea for breakfast.
Sandwiches we eat. With butter. With tea.
Breakfast finishes everyone goes to the classes each his way. Someone goes to physical therapy
I go to ceramics classes. Today my day was for ceramics. Because ceramics teacher went today
to meeting. Today my day I was free. On Friday I will go to do handicraft.
Because Roma is on holidays. I am free. I can have rest.

I work at computer too. I make newspapers too. I like to
work at computer the computerman is on holidays now.
I am present everywhere where I like it and where I go and meet everyone
where they tell me I go. I am a very interesting person that will meet every day.
For example, with you.

I draw always small audio. Which I could every day could create at
yours. Because I am very shy and audio is created beautifully. And I
like it. Even in winter summer spring. Audio is like that I can tell about my drawings
that I draw snowman. I draw I already drew a tree second tree with apples.
I drew.
Then at half past twelve we go to second breakfast. At 12 daytime we go to second breakfast and then
to lunch. In an hour.

The tenth unit was opened much later than the third. There is a door
between them. When you leave the tenth and enter the third unit,
right by the door you are greeted by one of the guys, normally Kostya,
who takes you by the hand and leads you everywhere and shows you everything,
as if you came to someone`s home.
So there we`ve had lunch.
My classes finish again. Our day passes very quickly.
Because everyone is at classes.

I make a painting work on ceramics. Now we are making soap box for exhibition.
We will make for Easter.
I go to dinner. And after dinner I watch TV. In the evening I rest drink tea. Evening
dinner it is called for me.

After there I had tea now I sleep till morning and that is it breakfast again. Then second
breakfast. Then again snacks and again. Time goes and goes and goes.
I very have dreams. How I see in dream how one man came. Cup of tea
put I cup of tea drank. Hot. Then fell sleep again. I had a very dream.
I had a dream of Perspektivy . How they took me to camp.

I dream of workers volunteers workers all they I dream of. I sleep with it. I communicate.
I wake up and my head spin. I perceive like this very good.

Dreams can be big and interesting can be funny at all. Dreams. Can be serious
dreams. During lately I had such dream. So impressionable dream. Which I
wouldn`t want to open.
Life is when someone lives long till end of their life. Life is good thing. I
smile I am joyful now summer will be. To street I go. Such is my life.

03.Recreation room
When you leave, you might feel that you can barely move your arm because it aches so badly due to so many people gripping it with inhuman strength. It is gripped this way because they want your arm to become their arm. They grip it because they want to. How often do you hold someone’s hand? It could be every morning or several times a day. Why do you feel this need? To overcome the longing for much needed closeness, to share what is yours, to feel compassion, warmth and response. We also want love. If we think about it, what truly important things happen to us? We feel the emotions of being happy, sad, worried, shy, jealous, concerned, we want to drink or sleep, we dream. And we try to express this. Everyone tries to express themselves in their own special way. We express it as best as we can.
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We are afraid of the pain, and we try not to see or feel it. Most of us have a phobia of our feelings. But when we allow ourselves to feel the pain and the joy, we see that there is something behind the pain too. I actually think that all of us are disabled, it is just with some it is more visible than with others.
Margarete Von Der Borh,
Founder of «Perspektivy»
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It is enough to have an interest in the personality of the individual, openness towards those who are different from you, absolute respect for the individual. Not because of their achievements, or skills and abilities, not because of their talent and beauty, but just because they are human.
Masha Ostrovskaya,
President of «Perspektivy»
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I don’t know what awaits me in the future, but I know for sure that I want to have kids. No one can say that you won`t have a special child like these children. That’s why I wanted to have this experience in my life.
Yari Gonzalez,
Volunteer for Perspektivy «Perspektivy»
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People like this are those who usually make important social changes, because they evoke compassion. But at the same time, they make us question ourselves: Am I alright? What am I doing? They send us back to the normal human notions of life, love, death.
Lena Shiffers,
Head of the Art program of «Perspektivy»
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You realize that they begin to wait for you. Your presence and your smile, as one of the girls says, «Shines you in the eye». And, I understand that my smile is the most important thing I can give people.
Andrey and Elena Babiny,
Sponsors of «Perspektivy»
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I need a purpose to live. And charity has more meaning in it than any other activity. It helps me not to be afraid. Also, it gives me understanding and it enriches us – people with disabilities give us the gift of the possibility to take care of them. And I cannot refuse to accept this gift
Dmitry Chudinov,
Sponsor of «Perspektivy»
You get out of the asylum, and again find yourself on the road. All around you is forest. When you leave, the road seems different, as if it became longer. Although usually it is the other way around – the road back seems shorter. Perhaps everything slows down – time flows in the asylum and in the city at a different pace. Here, on this road, appears a clearing in the forest, where you can stop. Layers of thought change places, and your thinking starts to proceed in a different sequence: about something uncertain and fleeting – about meaning, patience, truthfulness, death, normality, being needed, about yourself. You want to walk even slower, in order to remember this slow pace, to understand it and keep it inside.

The line of the forest.
The line of the road.
The corridor split in two by the line.
On one side of the line there is us, on the other – also us.
But all of us are only humans.
Somewhere, deep inside.
How to help
Margarete von der Borch,
Founder of the «Perspektivy» organization
Borders that we have created
What is the basis of the charity?
In Germany, it is based on the Protestant and Catholic way of life. I was raised like this, that if I am well, I must help people who are not. In Tsarist Russia, it was the same – helping people was a religious duty. In Soviet times, this sense of charity was lost. There was a lot of skepticism that there really were such organizations doing the job they were talking about. Later charity started developing through personal relationships. When one of the donors of the foundation started to tell his friends about the foundation that they support, about the successes, step by step other people also started helping. Now all this has been brought to a different level, and many more people have started to be involved in charity.

How to make charity a mass phenomenon?
I think we need a lot of organizations and good projects for them to do. When people see good examples – that this kind of effort is really changing something – they start to believe that this helps and they can participate. It is very important for these projects to be covered, so that there could be a possibility to meet these people, and for others to want to get involved too.

What kind of people choose to work for charitable organizations?
All the people working at our organization are not looking for big money, reputation, or power. They are looking for personal contact, they all see the sense in this kind of work. These are the people who feel that they need it.

Some people choose this job because they are faced with serious problems in their own life – someone in the family is diagnosed with cancer or there is a disabled child in the family. The person understands that something must be changed in this system to help.

What motivates people for charity, if not a sense of compassion?
Actually, this is the way I started, with compassion – the knowledge that there were poor children in awful conditions, and I was well, I had to do something. But in the process of working I have realized that it is not the way it is, the children have given me so much. I actually think that all of us are disabled, it is just with some it is more visible than with others. Now, I am sure that people we work with at the asylum are so amazing and strong, and we can learn a lot from them.

In our organization in Germany there are a lot of people who are against using the term “disability”, as it means putting a group of people who have different abilities in one box. We want to work with people with such an attitude that they are not considered to be people with some defects that we need to change, but in case of some health or mental problems, we need to organize their lives in such a way, that they could live it fully.

We always want to create categories, we can`t perceive all the diversity we have. We think that strong people are those who think fast and earn a lot of money. If we considered the norm to be that strong people were those who are as emotionally sensitive as most people with disabilities are, then they would be seen as strong - all this is very relative. This is the main question, why do we look at people who are unwell as defective, and think that we are normal? We are all connected, and we need to build a system where everyone can live. All of us will benefit from it.

What is The Voluntary Social Year?
It is a very good step in growing up, usually it is the time between school and university, starting at about 18 years of age. The idea is that you voluntarily choose to spend the whole year helping somewhere: in an asylum, kindergarten, orphanage etc. There are a lot of options. You work for pocket money and gain experience.

This program is very well-developed in Germany. The state supports the participants not only with money, but also those who are entering universities after their voluntary social year have additional “merits” that give them the possibility to more easily pass the high competition for university places. Moreover, this voluntary year substitutes for military service. The Voluntary Social Year is very prestigious in Germany, and a person's decision to choose it meets with approval.

I think that people who have served it get a lot from it and carry it through their whole life and they start to see life differently. I remember from the feedback - they often write feedback here – how their vision has changed. They write something like, “it is such a success that Vanya, who couldn`t hold a spoon for 6 months, can use the spoon now!” What a great success! Only with such contact can you realize what a big step it is for this kid. It is again the question of understanding that everything is relative.

Why is it typical for us to shut down from social topics?
We are afraid of the pain, and we try not to see or feel it. Most of us have a phobia of our feelings. But when we allow ourselves to feel the pain and the joy, we see that there is something behind the pain too. When I first came to the orphanage, I was really afraid and didn`t know what would happen. But when I started communicating with the people, with children, I felt their strength, and I realized that there is no need to be afraid, on the contrary, you need to do something. We need to overcome this fear, there is a new revelation behind it.

People don`t think about the possibility that at any moment in life something can happen and they or some of their family members can end up in the psycho-neurological institution like this. This is also a certain way to deal with fear. But, a much better way is to make life in these institutions in such manner that, if my kid or myself ended up there, our life would be decent and would not awaken such dread. Really, what if they don’t have what I am used to? How will I deal with it?

I have a friend who is a priest, Father Reed, who is an amazing person. When he was 75, he had a stroke. When he came back from the hospital and we saw him for the first time, he said, “You know, my dearest, I am really glad I have experienced it, because now I can better understand what people that we work with feel”. I was really impressed by that.

What is the difference between the perception of a healthy person and a person with a mental disability?
We spend a lot of our energy and strength to keep ourselves together, we hear everywhere – don`t do this, don`t do that. We are brought up like this. In Germany and in Russia, when a kid sees a person in a wheelchair, they are told, “Don`t say anything, don’t look at them”. It is a natural thing, but from early childhood we are taught that we must make it look like everything is ok, not to talk about things that worry you, not to pronounce out loud what you think.

People with disabilities don`t have this. They are very strong, they have clear feelings and express their feelings directly, they don`t have these restrictions. One of our mothers told us that her son is like a barometer – if someone comes to their house, and he reacts in a negative way, then this person is “not theirs”. I really like their attitude towards people, they really don`t care if we are fashionable, pretty, rich. They just feel the person.